The Visual Music Village

for Visual Music Artists, Writers, and Venues

Beautiful music interpreted live, in concert, by Marta Infante, with the Academia 1750 conducted by Paul Goodwin.

This sketch is a test, done 5 or 6 years ago, a screen capture of real-time video image creation, using the software "GLMixer" my friend Bruno Herbelin is developing "for me” (

The test is one of "laisser faire le hasard" as we say in French, letting things happen on their own (as it were), carefully setting up conditions in which/by which "things" may -or may not- appear, but conditions in which/by which one sets the ball in motion and watches without intervening, "serving" what comes up, as best one can, refraining from trying to control it.

This is felt to be in line with Philip Guston's "inherent composition," moving along the lines of Merleau-Ponty's "oblique progression" and of course, in total agreement with Husserl’s "catering to the appearing as it appears.”

As John Cage once said to Guston: “When you are in your studio and as you start working, you are there with all your thoughts, your friends' and ennemies’ as well. If you keep on working, and if you are lucky, they start leaving, one by one. Now, if you persist, and if you are very lucky, even you leave.”

Please consider supporting my work (VERY MUCH in need of support these days). You can make donations via PayPal, starting from here : (this type of work receives very little help, if any, from the usual channels).
Thank you

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