The Visual Music Village

for Visual Music Artists, Writers, and Venues

“Rupture” is the second film I did in 2004 - 2005 with the National Film Board of Canada, in collaboration with Montreal-based musician Jean Derome.

It is a bit of a sequel to “Liaisons”, the first movie done under the same conditions, also in 2004 - 2005: (select the “1080p” viewing option for best results).

Jean and I embarked on a peculiar process: I would create a silent video, send it to him.
He would compose and record the music for it, but do two versions (or more, many more, see links below), so I would take the extra audio file and make new images for it.
The game became so fascinating (shades of “cadavres exquis”), Jean at times sent me not 2, but up to 13 news audio files made for a single silent video sequence.
We went back and forth that way for about one year, creating a large body of original material.
That became more meaningful to us than making a mere movie (samples of that are available here: and here:
I’m afraid that was a bit too “experimental” for the NFB, we were there to make a movie after all...

We have continued our collaboration since, here’s an album with samples of that:

Please consider supporting my work (VERY MUCH in need of support these days). You can make donations via PayPal, starting from here : (this type of work receives very little help, if any, from the usual channels).
Thank you

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