The Visual Music Village

for Visual Music Artists, Writers, and Venues

Years ago, Paola Erdas compared the feel of the harpsichord with that of kneading bread dough.
I connected with that then, for many years, I was baking 20 lb of sourdough bread every 7 days or so.
This piece is the continuation of my developing real-time image creation, in preparation for a live images - music concert with Paola (more about that soon).
I was struck by the way the images I was finding for this music evolved (Antonio Valente’s Recercata del terzo tono), they created the most intricate and richest textures I have ever set in motion.
Unfortunately, making the movie web-ready and staying within my weekly 5 GB file size limit, I could not generate a file that would respect those textures, much (much!) is lost in the conversion.
Nevertheless, I wanted to share this, however damaged by the conversion for the web it is.
Am looking forward to the day when I will see this on a movie theatre screen, with a good projector showing the original ProRes 4444 file.
Here’s Paola’s web site:
Album of movies done in collaboration with Paola:

  • Currently 0/5 stars.

Views: 19

Comment by Jean Detheux on September 16, 2018 at 7:14am

The conversion of this movie for the web (from ProRes 4444 at 14 GB to h.264 at about 4 GB) kills much of the texture of the images, so here’s one frame pulled from the original movie file that will show what is lost in the conversion: 


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