The Visual Music Village

for Visual Music Artists, Writers, and Venues

A while ago, I did a sketch with this music, an encore ("bis") performed by Paola Erdas during her April 21 concert in Brussels, Belgium ("Le clavecin en fête").
That sketch was done with the web version of the recording, and as an exercise during a Final Cut Pro X introduction workshop presented by Apple, here in Montréal (that first version is here

Since then, Paola has sent me the uncompressed recording, giving me the opportunity to go at it again, and no longer as an exercise this time.

I am extremely sensitive to the sadness of this piece (it bears its title well), and did my best to serve that without resorting to smart (read "conceptual") means, I trust hand-made "accidents," hunches, and especially, "working by way of not-knowing."

As usual, Paola Erdas makes manifest all the depth the music she chooses to play contains. I know of no other living harpsichordist who has her immense ability to deal with the elusive, to make it palpable.

It is a genuine privilege to be a (small) part of her vast artistic landscape.

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