The Visual Music Village

for Visual Music Artists, Writers, and Venues

A little over 10 years ago, I was about to start making my first NFB movie ("Liaisons" please select the "1080p quality option" for best viewing) and did a large series of sketches in order to find the "right" visual language for that movie.
Recently, I came across one of those sketches, done to/for/with/from a moving song magnificently interpreted by one of my very favourite singers, Misia (
This sketch is rough, I only spent a few hours on it, transitions are brutal most of the time, but the music really speaks to me, still, and there are a few moments in the movie where I feel Misia's exceptional art and my meagre images connect.
So I am posting this sketch, hoping viewers will see through all its shortcomings and at least enjoy the music.
And for those who will watch both this sketch and "Liaisons," you will no doubt notice that much of what this sketch made visible has found its way in the "finished" movie.

Poem: Amália Rodrigues
Music: Mário Pacheco
Voice: Misia

  • Currently 0/5 stars.

Views: 52

Comment by antonio-Brech on November 5, 2014 at 1:31am
Comment by antonio-Brech on November 5, 2014 at 1:33am


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