The Visual Music Village

for Visual Music Artists, Writers, and Venues

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SIGCA is a software that allows the creation of graphical compositions and animations based on superimposition of geometrical shapes derived from rectangle primitives.

When launching the application the user is presented with a black, empty window. This is the canvas. There interface is originally hidden so to maximize the viewing area.

By pressing the right button of the mouse the menu can be opened or closed.



The menu is composed of:

  • Several tabs: which include all the features present on this software.
  • Variable set of controls including buttons, toggles and sliders: these controls command the several parameters for each of the tabs and vary according to the selected tab.
  • A Time Line: allows to Play or Pause the application as well as move along the timeline's play head.

Tabs and Functions

The available tabs are and their functions are:

  • Create: controls the creation and deletion of Shapes.

            The available options are:

1.      New: Creates a new Shape with default properties

2.      New Random: Create a new Shape with random properties

3.      Delete: deletes the selected Shape  

  • Shape: controls the properties of the selected Shape pertaining to its format

            The available options are:

1.      Width: sets the width of the selected Shape

2.      Height: sets the height of the selected Shape

3.      Rotation: sets the rotation of the selected Shape

4.      Thickness: sets the thickness of the selected Shape

5.      Corner: sets the radius of the corner choosing between different degrees of roundness


  • Color: controls the color of the selected Shape

            The available options are:

1.      Red: sets the red component of the selected Shape's color

2.      Green: sets the green component of the selected Shape's color

3.      Blue: sets the blue component of the selected Shape's color

4.      Alpha: sets the transparency of the selected Shape

5.      Brightness: applies a brightness transformation to the Shape's color

6.      Contrast: applies a contrast transformation to the shape's color


  • Background: controls the background's color

            The available options are:

1.      Red: sets the red component of the background's color

2.      Blue: sets the blue component of the background's color

3.      Green: sets the green component of the background's color

4.      Random: sets the background color to a randomly selected color

5.      Average: sets the background color to be the average color of every Shape present on the canvas.


  • TimeLine: controls the properties of the Time Line

            The available options are:

1.      Loop: sets wether the Time Line plays in a loop or not

2.      Speed: sets the play head speed ( to perform fast forward or slow motion )


Blend: controls how the Shape's colors are blended together

            The available options are:

1.      Additive: sets additive blending of the colors

2.      Normal: sets normal blending (blending is dependent on the Alpha value of the Shape's color )

3.      Subtractive: sets subtractive blending

4.      None: disables any blending

  • Glow: controls a glow filter on the Shapes

            The available options are:

1.      Strength: the strength of the glow

2.      Size: the amount of pixels that the glow reaches


  • File: options for file input and output

            The available options are:

1.      Save: saves the current composition to a file

2.      Load: loads a previously saved composition

3.      Export Image: saves an image of the current composition. The user can define the image format by setting the file's extension (for example by defining “image.jpg” the image will be save in JPEG format). The default format is PNG

4.      Export Image HiRes: exports a high resolution (4096x3072) image of the composition. The save formats and rules apply as for the Export Image

5.      Export Sequence: exports a sequence of the current composition animation. It plays the Time Line and exports an image for every frame of the animation creating a numerated image sequence. The same image formats are available as in the Image Export

6.      Export Sequence HiRes: exports a high resolution (4096x3072) sequence of the composition animation. It plays the Time Line and exports a high resolution (4096x3072) image for every frame of the animation creating a numerate high resolution image sequence. The same image formats are available as in the Image Export


After Shapes are created they can be selected by pressing the mouse with the left button over the desired Shape. When a Shape is selected Size and Rotation handles appear over the shape. By dragging these handles the user can changes the Shape's with, height and rotation. It is also possible to change its position by dragging a selected shape.





Funciona como Painter y permite generar secuencias graficas.

Tanto las imágenes de alta resolución creadas como las secuencias graficas pueden ser grabadas y posteriormente editadas

Se trata de facilitar el proceso de utilización de los materiales perceptivos.

Las magnitudes de los elementos y las interelaciones entre ellos  generan nuevas posibilidades de acceso a  la experiencia  a nivel inter-sensorial.

En una próxima versión se incluirá la relación entre la intensidad del color de cada elemento con una nota o tono musical lo que permitirá generar automática y simultáneamente secuencias sonoras en base a la composición visual.

También se intentará dotar de funciones en 3d para enriquecer la presentación de los esquemas inter-modales. Psicosonogramas.


La elaboración de materiales perceptivos desde una perspectiva integrada puede aportar nuevas referencias al proceso de construcción de una adecuada comprensión y abordaje de la realidad.

La generación de soporte explicito para la explanación de los contenidos propios del proceso de interacción con lo intrínsecamente existente desde una perspectiva sintética incluye la emergencia de nuevas posibilidades de acceso a la dimensión inter-modal.

El grafismo pasa a tener una función operacional de nueva planta desde su contribución a la clarificación del sentido  y significado de la consistencia de la actividad y de sus implicaciones lo que favorece la ampliación de recursos útiles en la gestión del conocimiento preciso para dar respuesta simultanea a las distintas aplicaciones de la inmersión inter-modal surgidas de la experiencia cotidiana.

Cada una de las magnitudes refleja un valor de los distintos componentes del discurso integrado siendo primordial sus interrelaciones funcionales.

Se generan figuraciones y formaciones de carácter que apela a la vivenciación.y a la manifestación abierta de la entidad consistencial intrínseca.

No hay pretensión estética ni de carácter  cognitivo tampoco afectivo se trata de ensamblar de manera engarzada estas interacciones productivas para su análisis y estudio y su utilización con finalidad de estimulación inter-sensorial.


Antonio BRECH

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