The Visual Music Village

for Visual Music Artists, Writers, and Venues

In reality there is no relationship between the sound sequences, diagrams and charts that follow trajectories neogestualidad or animations. But this is only apparent, as any audio, graphic and motion pattern when presented simultaneously is a process of inter-sensory integration.

In short it is not as important to the definition and not the perfection of a musical sequence, much less correspondence with the images and movements. Because in reality nothing is more accurate mental but can not become infinitely detailed but could always be more.

Paradoxically, there is no audio and images without motion pictures as well as no movement is not possible without the sound.

In reality, what are the important reactions that occur when moving images are derived from sensations associated with the composition or listening to music. One could even dispense with the "music." Although it would be possible without it.

Are actually sequences of sounds in which the intrinsic structural relations between the notes are not subject to stereotypical norms (Time-Space-Emotion). There is also an inter-connection between the notes or tones, and between the words "music" or noise .

The same happens with the graphics as they are representations of the motivations (At the time of composition) or affection (Listen) generated in the execution or instrumental in the translation of the overlapping melodies.

Finally, the direction and velocity represent different degrees of intensity of these emotions or

goal motivation ( Openness, simplicity, clarity ,.... etc)..

Views: 50

Comment by Timothy B Layden on May 3, 2009 at 6:15am
Con lo que definas aqui, para que entonces lo crees necesario crear reglas de creacion si el resultado necesario puede ser adquirido adentro del entorno inter/cruce-modal abierta a transiciones automaticas o intuitivas?
Comment by antonio-Brech on May 3, 2009 at 11:59am
Meta Music -Meta Graphic

Aesthetics is neither static nor dynamic, but it stems, is derived, is not logical or symbolic, or intuitively, qualitatively or quantitatively, but something else (Meta formal ) appropriate to the level of what is intrinsic, inter-modal ( Agglomerates complete integrated graphics, sound and motion).
Its meta entity is stable, consistent, and is not objective or subjective, lacks object and subject.Status is that of the general patterns of effective action in non-stereotyped .
Examples of music and meta meta graphics held by separately despite their coexistence goal.

Pure meta biology , authenticated meta ecology. News motivations


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