DETROIT DE LE MAIRE, Moji Moji (hdm04)“At the very South exists a narrow strait called Le Maire separating Tierra del Fuego from Staten Island.
This wild and untamed passage inspired Lucas Page a.k.a Moji Moji to write 4 songs that such as the geographical area do not leave one’s indifferent for being so charged by electric thunderstorms as well as silent poetry.
“Detroit de Le Maire” is a crossing with no breaks, no beacon nor guide, naked faced to inclemency through a universe as secret as inmediate.A beam of light that illuminates and blinds.
Some may call it post rock, others experimental. others simply intensity.”

1. Detroit de le Maire
2. El día que los niños tomaron el poder.
3. La lenta caída de King Kong del Empire State.
4. El misterio vuela en la oscuridad de la noche sobre una polilla
que se posa en mi pared y me observa dormir
.All Songs written, produced and mastered by Lucas Page.
.Photo Cover and Graphic Design by Guillermo Piacenza
.Wallpapers by Claudia Belevicius, Lucas Page and Guillermo Piacenza
www.myspace.com/mojimojimusic.Creative Commons License
.Barcelona & Buenos Aires,
.February, 2010.
ASADUKI, vv.aa. (hdm03)Imagine a starry night in an uncertain place.
From different directions travellers begin then to appear slowly and kindly sit themselves on the floor, forming an inaccurate circle.
When everyone is settled and greetings turned to silence, a small fire begins to come from the centre of the ground and from the precise center of this cercle of friends.
One by one songs begins to reel of and the fire gets bigger.
One by one the songs light the fire.
When this happen, it’s an Asaduki.

2. Al silenci. TANOX
4. Manavi. LEIT
5. Victoria. SUMERGIDO
7. La noche magica de Miles. UNIVERSILDO
8. Gato. DROLE
9. The fucking chains. FOSS
10. El dia que los niños tomaron el poder. MOJI MOJI

2. Sonando. SONORA
3. El baile de la serpiente. DOMA TORNADOS
4. Cumbia gualicho. BLACK MANDINGO
5. Mi primer guacharaca. MATAKLAP
6. Craso error. FATA KIEFER
7. El invento. DANIEL JEFFS
8. Profundo y son. FRALLAR
9. Al sur. IN VITRO
10. Circuit incessant. MICROFEEL featuring KELE
.Produced by Hipi Duki at Blackwhale Studio, Montjuic/Barcelona
.Mastered by Simurgh View at Go(o)d Vibes, Barcelona
.Photo cover by Karine Cesne
.Artwork & Design by G.Piacenza
www.myspace.com/hipidukimuzik" target="_blank">
www.myspace.com/hipidukimuzik.Creative Commons License_
.Barcelona & Buenos Aires,
.January, 2010.
BAILE RMX, Doma Tornados (hdm02)Almost a month after we released the fantastic “Luces del Aire”, Universildo(hdm01), we are back to introduce you to the deep dub techno cumbia world (Makks dixit) of Doma Tornados.
Doma Tornados presents at Hipi Duki Muzik a very hot single: a free remix of the track BAILE produced by Ricardo Villalobos featuring The Updates, and originally released at Sei Es Drum Records.
Villalobos & The Updates remixed the track “Un nuevo baile” from Emociones Clandestinas, a chilean band from the 80`s , and after watching in You Tube a video of Villalobos saying “I hate remixes!”, Doma Tornados decided to remix our funny star.
A funny story for a funny track!
“BAILE RMX” was produced by Doma Tornados, using some great free loops provided by Emiliano/El Hijo de la Cumbia at Emayo Cutz (gracias pa!) among other stuff as software and hardware.
.Mastered by Simurgh View at Blackwhale Studios, Montjuic/Barcelona, Spain.
.Artcover by G.Piacenza.
www.myspace.com/domatornados.Published under Creative Commons License.
.Barcelona & Buenos Aires
.November, 2009
LUCES DEL AIRE, Universildo (hdm01)We are very happy and proud to announce the release of “Luces del Aire” (hdm01), the warm and delicate 5 tracks Ep. from Universildo.
“Luces del Aire” is a small sonic jewel full of luminous tunes, organic textures and dubby friendly beats.

Universildo is the experimental side of the argentinean talented producer Pedro Canale, also known as Chancha via Circuito and Verde Kiri.
3.Llave materna
.All tracks written, produced and mastered by Pedro Canale at Alegria del Hogar Studios (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
.Artwork & photo cover by Pedro Quintans
.Wallpapers by Pedro Quintans & Fui
www.myspace.com/universildo" target="_blank">
www.myspace.com/universildo.Published under Creative Commons License
.Barcelona & Buenos Aires
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