The Visual Music Village

for Visual Music Artists, Writers, and Venues

Bay Area Visual Music Group


Bay Area Visual Music Group

This group meets to share performances, recordings, and information about visual music. Visual Music can refer to the use of musical structures in visual imagery, as well as the translation of music into visual forms.

Location: San Francisco Bay Area
Members: 34
Latest Activity: Mar 12, 2013

Discussion Forum

Visual Music event at ATA, Friday 2/19/10

Started by Bill Hsu Feb 17, 2010.

Comment Wall

Comment by Gnomalab on September 26, 2008 at 9:12am
Hello Visual Music group!
this is the first post.
Comment by antonio-Brech on November 18, 2008 at 6:45am
My initial concern revolves about the excesses of technology, especially the contraindications of the effects of inter-sensory stimulation because of the profusion of stereotyped images, sounds or movement and as a result of the irreversible consequences that can produce the goods exchange Manners-conceived or generated by rigid formal methods, which under a semblance of impact more or less imaginative, perceptive habits generate inadequate and do not contribute to the formation of new patterns of activity effective with regard to the future.
Comment by miromi on April 18, 2009 at 9:29am
Hi, I've been following the meetup group but unfortunately have never been able to join you. There are some really cool discussions and meet-ups that you've been having. Are you going to migrate every single meetup to this group?

Do you have any tips on buying an LCD projector? Of course I'm going to google this as well, but if there's a particular model that someone is devoted to, I would appreciate the tip.
Comment by Tim Thompson on April 18, 2009 at 10:24am
Yes, all communication related to the Bay Area Visual Music group will be migrated to this group. Maintaining a group costs $144/year, so besides the fact that there's this great worldwide visual music community here, there's a non-trivial monetary incentive. :-)

I have an Optoma 739(also known as the 745) that has been a reliable workhorse for a few years, and I've seen a number of other visual performers with Optomas as well, so I have good feelings about that brand. I also have a somewhat expensive Toshiba that just got back from warranty repair after 1.5 years, so I'm not too sure about that brand, or about spending a lot on a projector. However, the Toshiba has both vertical and horizontal skew correction, which is really really useful. I don't have any info about current models.
Comment by antonio-Brech on April 27, 2009 at 4:44am
In reality there is no relationship between the sound sequences, diagrams and charts that follow trajectories neogestualidad or animations. But this is only apparent, as any audio, graphic and motion pattern when presented simultaneously is a process of inter-sensory integration.

In short it is not as important to the definition and not the perfection of a musical sequence, much less correspondence with the images and movements. Because in reality nothing is more accurate mental but can not become infinitely detailed but could always be more.

Paradoxically, there is no audio and images without motion pictures as well as no movement is not possible without the sound.

In reality, what are the important reactions that occur when moving images are derived from sensations associated with the composition or listening to music. One could even dispense with the "music." Although it would be possible without it.

Are actually sequences of sounds in which the intrinsic structural relations between the notes are not subject to stereotypical norms (Time-Space-Emotion). There is also an inter-connection between the notes or tones, and between the words "music" or noise .

The same happens with the graphics as they are representations of the motivations (At the time of composition) or affection (Listen) generated in the execution or instrumental in the translation of the overlapping melodies.

Finally, the direction and velocity represent different degrees of intensity of these emotions or

goal motivation ( Openness, simplicity, clarity ,.... etc)..
Comment by Ken Jenkins on June 19, 2009 at 8:21pm
Thanks to Larry for forming this group!
Some of you may know of my "Illumination" video that has been out since 1989. I now have released "Illumination 2", which is over 2 hours continuous images and music of a similar style to the original. Some stills and a link to some video is on my page in The Visual Music Village.
Comment by Eric Steinberg on September 4, 2009 at 10:11am
Yo, my people! So, does anyone have a lead on a Super 16 format projector? Or how to modify one of the ubiquitous Bell & Howell units? I've got a lot of reversal film that I've shot with my modified Bolex and I'd like to show it in its native glory....also, Tim, I hope the monolith made it to the Playa intact! If you get abducted, don't forget to write.
Comment by SPHUNKGRAFIX on February 28, 2010 at 3:44pm
Hi !
Nice to meet you.
I´ll follow your activity.
We keep in touch.


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