The Visual Music Village

for Visual Music Artists, Writers, and Venues

Mr. MooQ writes songs that are, at times both “Old Fashioned” and also very contemporary. Pulling emotions from the deep well of his experiences, Mr. MooQ writes and produces music alive with “feeling.” His thought-provoking lyrics are sung with a different spin, combining beautiful melodies with powerful grooves. Though the beats may change and the production will vary, every song tells a story and is written from the heart.

With the release of his latest video for the song “No One”, Mr. MooQ brings us through the haze into the side of reality that is his realm. Mr. MooQ romances the world of groove to a whole new level, Inventing a hybrid genre he calls EDM-Lite/Synth/Pop his music is passionate, unique ,and witty.

“No One” is most definitely a love song of both meaning and character, the narration of one saying, and seemingly admitting that he may not have anything of “this world” to offer, may not have wealth and fame.. but they have heart, true love, honesty and honor.. which is all that really matters. a great song we really need to hear and have in our lives these days.

For as long as he can remember the young man felt the music coursing through his soul. No matter the day’s activities and distractions it seemed music was ever present with melodies and lyrics in his thought processes. So it was natural for him as he grew older to explore how he could incorporate music more fully into his life.

After high school he trekked to Los Angeles because at that time if you were serious about music that is where you went, sleeping in his car to save money for pay for studio time. He met, and played with a lot of veteran professional musicians gleaning industry and composition knowledge from everyone he encountered.

Returning back home he founded a group called The New Occupants that delved into a new music genre – EDM. This talented group produced a number of electronic dance tunes that quickly earned significant international acclaim. Despite this success the man was unable to completely sate his musical muse because he was finding his primary love, musical composition could not be limited to just one genre. More and more he was drawn into studio production work so that his wide ranging muse could be released to develop music in a variety of formats, and for a wide variety of purposes.

As an award winning musical artist and performer, he has enjoyed the accolades of success, including a Cleo in the advertising industry and developing music for numerous industries and commercial productions. He became sought out for his production talents, but still stove for perfecting his personal genre and style.

A few years back the man awoke from a dream to recognize the missing component was his initial foundation of developing and playing full songs as he did in his youth. He drew upon those long-ago memories to introduce an imaginary childhood friend by the name of Mr. MooQ who would serve to provide voice to his desire to once again return to some of the roots of his musical motivations. He became this persona, and now Mr. MooQ is no longer imaginary, but very, very real.

Mr. MooQ has worked hard to refine and evolve his musical sound into a hybrid genre that he refers to as EDM-Lite/Synth/Pop. Calling upon his life experiences this new music reflects on life’s intricacies and nuances combining thoughtful and witty lyrics with catchy melodies that often are very ‘danceable’, but also thought provoking. Check out Mr. MooQ’s latest musical efforts. You might just find that musical voice for which you have been looking.

On YouTube

On Soundcloud

On Spotify

Twitter @mr_mooq

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