The Visual Music Village

for Visual Music Artists, Writers, and Venues

MUVI-3International exhibition of video and moving image on synesthesia and visual music

Event Details

MUVI-3International exhibition of video and moving image on synesthesia and visual music

Time: February 12, 2012 from 6pm to 7pm
Location: Granada, and Almeria University (Spain).
Street: Palacio de los Condes de Gabia
City/Town: Granada
Website or Map:
Event Type: exhibition
Latest Activity: Feb 3, 2011

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Event Description


International exhibition of video and moving image on synesthesia and visual music

Palacio de los Condes de Gabia, Granada, and Almeria University (Spain) 09 th -12 th of February 2012







Call for kinetic works

MuVi3 invites artists, musicians, designers and performers, also professors and university students, to submit proposals of kinetic works to be part of a public exhibition, with performances and discussions. Visual Music exhibition is part of the Fourth International Congress "Synaesthesia: Science & Art", to be held from the 09th to the 12th of February 2012, Palacio de los Condes de Gabia, Granada, and Almeria University (Spain).


Comment Wall

Comment by antonio-Brech on February 3, 2011 at 3:34am

Deadline for submissions

Latest date for submissions is 15 July 2011 (date of postage).


The topic of the exhibition is visual music and synesthesia.  For “visual music”, we intend every representation to be only visual or audiovisual, suggested by the music.

The correspondences between the visual and music can be the results of synesthetic perceptions (the visuals are the mental images suggested by the music); or the correspondences can be the result of studies on the analogies between the visual and musical languages (rhythms, tonality, texture, colours, etc.).  The support of a narrative thread is not required.

Who can participate?

The call is for two categories of participants:

. Participant A: professionals (artists, musicians, designers and performers)

. Participant B: university (B1: professors; B2: students, or graduated within the last 12 months).

What can you submit?

Any Moving Image (video, animations, etc.) – only visual kinetic work, audiovisual, or interactive

– is eligible for submission. University professors can submit a collection of didactic works.  Students, one or more works, produced in an university course.

The work does not have to be published and must be free from copyrights.

How to make submissions

Digital work can be submitted on Cd-Rom or Dvd.  The files with the works can be in the following

Formats (to the best quality): .MOV, .AVI, .MPEG, .FLV, .SWF.  For other formats, send your questions to:, or Each work, or collection of works, must be accompanied with the appropriate “Entry Form” completed. Please do not send videotapes.

We cannot return CDs and Dvd.

What are the fees?

Can be introduced or more works to MuVi3 without paying fees, nevertheless the partecipation to the Fourth International Congress "Synaesthesia: Science & Art" requires the payment of the fees of registration (see the web site,  soon also in:

Prize and publication

The best work of the MuVi3 receives a prize of 1.000 euros. The prize is offered by the Diputación de Granada that will promote the best works in the artistic circuits.

The 10 best works received will be admitted to the exhibition (10 for the Participant A category and 10 for Participant B). 

The best 20 works (with their descriptions), will be published on a book and Dvd.  For this, the works do not have to be published and free from copyrights. The authors will receive, free, the alone digital version of the book.

The selection of the works will be edited by the Exposition committee.

All participants will be informed about the Exposition Committee decision by e-mail by 30st  November 2011.

Your submission has to include:

1. One “Entry form” with 5 figures for each work (send by email to: and

2. A package with Cd-Rom/Dvd (with the file of: video, “Entry form”, .JPG of the figures, of the work), one Entry form printed and signed for each work.

Send two copies (printed and signed) with the Cd or Dvd.


1. A copy to:

International Foundation Artecittà

C/Alhamar n. 30, 1° - 18004, Granada, Spain

2. A copy to:

Prof. Dina Riccò, Politecnico di Milano University, INDACO Dept.

Faculty of Design, Via Durando 38/a, 20158 Milano, Italy

Any questions are to be directed to: or; also, see the web site: www.sinestesia20

Comment by antonio-Brech on February 3, 2011 at 3:38am

MuVi3. Video and moving image on synesthesia and visual music.

MuVi3 is part of the Fourth International Congress “Synaesthesia: Science & Art”

Palacio de los Condes de Gabia, Granada, and Almeria University (Spain) 09 th -12 th of February 2012



Direction and coordination

Dina Riccò (Politecnico di Milano, Italy)



María José de Córdoba (Fundación Internacional Artecittà, Granada, Spain) y Jesús Pertíñez López (Dpto. de dibujo UGR)


Scientific committee of the exposition

Giovanni Baule and Dina Riccò (Indaco Department, Faculty of Design, Politecnico di Milano, Italy)

María José de Córdoba (Fundación Internacional Artecittà, Granada)

Jesús Pertíñez López (Dpto de Dibujo, Ugr)

José López Montes (Real Conservatorio Superior de Música de Granada)

Joaquín de Haro Gasquet (Experto en audiovisuales)

Comisión valoración artística: Nelia - Reyes García Fernández (Responsable de Música Area de Cultura, Departamento de Música Diputación de Granada)



Mª Pilar García Calero (Conservatorio Superior de Música de Sevilla, Spain)

Alejandra de Córdoba (Escuela Superior de Comunicación Audiovisual, ESCO, Spain

Tremedad Gnecco Suarez (Faculty of Ciencias de la Educación, University of Granada, Spain)

Elena Caratti (Indaco Department, Faculty of Design, Politecnico di Milano, Italy)

Victor Parra (Univ. pedagógica experimental libertador instituto pedagógico "luis beltrán prieto figueroa"

subdirección de investigación y postgrado, Barquesimeto, Venezuela)

Francisco Oña (University of Almería, Vicerrectorado de Extensión Cultural, Spain)

Mohamed A. Radi Abouarab (University KFS, Egipto, Dpto. de Dibujo UGR, Egipto)

José Antonio Fernández (Grupo Synlogic Artecittà, Spain)


Planning and running of exhibition

Mª María José de Córdoba, Nelia Reyes García Fernández, Jesús Pertíñez,  y Comisión artística palacio de los Condes de Gabia.



Diputación de Granada, (Spain)

Politecnico di Milano (INDACO Dept. and Faculty of Design)

Universidad de Granada (Psicología, Filosofía y Letras, Ciencias de la Educación, Bellas Artes: Dpto. De Dibujo)

Ayto. De Huetor Vega, área de Cultura. Granada, ( Spain).

Universidad de Almería, (Spain)

Escuela Superior de Comunicación Audiovisual, ESCO, Granada, (Spain)

Conservatorio Superior de Música de Sevilla

Fundación Audiovisual de Andalucía

Ayuntamiento de Cuevas del Almanzora

Univ.  pedagógica experimental libertador instituto pedagógico "luis beltrán prieto figueroa", Subdirección de investigación y postgrado, Barquesimeto, (Venezuela)          

With the support of: Comisión valoración artística Diputación de Granada, Concejalía de Cultura.




Comment by victor on February 3, 2011 at 3:40am
Excelente Jose Antonio! Si puedes tener una conexion de internet abierta ese día avísame para verla en tiempo real.


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