The Visual Music Village

for Visual Music Artists, Writers, and Venues

What began as a perfect circle was drawn and traced into obscurity with no conscious interference of my analytic mind. These trembles are not merely arbitrary but directly affected by the state of my unconsciousness. The result of this project is a visual representation of my experiences for the year. It is a process that demands an entirely unique outcome not only to me as an artist but to me as an artist at a very specific time. This is a temporal resonance that is as specific as a photograph.

Daily Log:

The Process:
-Begin with a perfect circle
-Trace only the most recent frame (including 'errors')
-At least 10 frames a day for one entire year
-Do not interfere with the process

  • Currently 5/5 stars.

Views: 26

Comment by Soren James on January 6, 2013 at 3:47pm

Love this.  So simple, beautiful, and entrancing


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