The Visual Music Village

for Visual Music Artists, Writers, and Venues

Metadata (bytebeat, post digital, glitch) ~ Gen Thalz

Music, Codes, and Video by Gen Thalz

Further down the hole of glitch, sound art, and minimal electronic music.

a sound/music from binary world.

Audio-Visual is purely made from esoteric programming language, random coding, and algorithm.

*No traditional music instruments, notes, scales, special effects, cut and paste, sound generator, circuit bending, editing, animation, paint etc. were used in the making of this music video.

Fact: We really don't know what we're doing here or how does it works, what we created here is just a result of observation, trial and error, and basic knowledge of the commands/arithmetics/characters for the program to function.

The code we used is one liner only.

axr9 M d9r10+&9*d3r&x60^9~~%3r|6

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