The Visual Music Village

for Visual Music Artists, Writers, and Venues

Winner of the f1rst prize at "Punto y Raya Festival 2009".

This work’s main goal is illustrating the mutation of a dot into a line… It’s almost like analyzing under a microscope the composition of the dot to observe how it evolves, generating new forms that will eventually create the line; to observe the computer raw-data of a dot while processing the codes for the visualization of the new forms. The video was made animating digital hand-drawn frames, processed with filters to granulize the images step by step... Each frame is the result of the filtering on the previous one in a decomposition and re-composition of pixels, bringing a fluid-randomness look to the video. It’s about ordering the chaos while respecting its nature...

idrioema © 2010

  • Currently 0/5 stars.

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