The Visual Music Village

for Visual Music Artists, Writers, and Venues

CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS: SAS Norman McLaren-Evelyn Lambart Award (Scholarly Article)

Best Scholarly Article on Animation
From the period September 1, 2013 until October 1, 2013, the Society for Animation Studies is accepting for consideration articles dedicated to the study of animation history and/or critical theory published in 2010 or 2011.
Work must be self-submitted by the author (not publisher), and the author must have active membership in the Society for Animation Studies for the current year, 2013.  Authors should limit submission to a single published article that best represents his/her scholarship during this period (2010 or 2011).
Published work must be submitted in one of three digital formats:
  • Microsoft Word document (.doc or.docx)
  • Rich Text Format (.rtf)
  • Acrobat Reader File (.pdf) 
Article should be emailed as an attachment and received before October 1, 2013.
Email to: 
Write in Subject Line:  Submission to SAS: Scholarly Article on Animation
Include in the body of your email (but nowhere in your essay) the following information:
1.             A full bibliographic citation of publication.
2.             Note whether or not publication was peer-reviewed.
3.             If article was not peer-reviewed, please note if published by editorial invitation, academic institution, and/or open call for submission.
4.             If applicable, please note if the published article was authored as a part of academic studies, the name of your supervising Professor, and your institution.
5.             Remember to include all your contact information.
6.             Please note: the information requested for inclusion in your email has no bearing whatsoever on the selection process. At this time, all submissions bear equal weight in the eyes of the selection committee.  
1. Please expunge your name and authorial identification on the essay’s pages.  
While these are not considered (fully) blind submissions given the small community of published scholars in animation at this time, a consideration should be afforded the selection committee members optimal conditions to equally evaluate all submissions.
2. On the first page of your essay, please include a header note [in brackets] of word count for article.
When an email is received with the attached submission, a reply will be sent to the author from the Chair of the 2013 selection committee, Dr. Janeann Dill, on behalf of the SAS selection committee, confirming your article has been received and will be evaluated for the 2013 McLaren-Lambart Award.  
  • There are no professional or academic affiliations required for consideration other than to be an active member of SAS at the time of submission.
  • Any and all SAS members are encouraged to submit a published article whether a student, an independent scholar, or an animation practitioner. 
  • The committee will not re-publish or distribute any work received.
The selection committee will choose one of the essays to receive the SAS award before the end of this year, 2013.  Articles published in 2012 or 2013 are not eligible for this current award; such articles are eligible for next year’s 2014 McLaren-Lambart Award.
Dr. Janeann Dill, Ph.D., MFA                                                             
Society for Animation Studies (SAS)                                                                    

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