The Visual Music Village

for Visual Music Artists, Writers, and Venues

CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS (experimental film/video/animation)
iotaSalon: Thursday May 6th, 2010 at UCLA

At the iotaSalon, we get together to screen and discuss new experimental works alongside some classics.

The theme for our next iotaSalon is THE CITY. We will be investigating the way urban environments are depicted in abstract and experimental works. How does construction influence image creation? How does the urban environment surrounding an artist inform or invade their work? How does the process of abstraction change our view of the city? How have architectural tools and thinking affected abstract and experimental moving images?

Please consider sending us a copy of your recent pieces if you haven't already. Alternatively, if you have already submitted work that you feel we should consider for this salon, or if you have any questions about submitting work, please feel free to contact

For DVD submissions, please send to:

The iotaCenter
10401-106 Venice Blvd. #330
Los Angeles, CA 90034

Additionally, please send an email to with:
1. your name, and contact information
2. The title, date, and running time for the work
3. Please tell us that you intend this for the iotaSalon.
for more information, please check our our submission guidelines:

For more information about this and previous salons, please visit

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