for Visual Music Artists, Writers, and Venues
Time: November 25, 2008 from 7pm to 11pm
Location: Galapagos Art Space
Street: 16 Main Street
City/Town: Brooklyn, NY
Website or Map: http://www.galapagosartspace.…
Event Type: Film, Festival
Organized By: Chris Jordan
Latest Activity: Nov 18, 2008
T-Minus is an annual screening of media art that focuses on the manipulation of time. Entering its 5th year, T-Minus has presented the works of over 80 artists from around the world, using a diversity technology to capture, record, and manipulate time.
T-Minus tries to answer the question: What slows down when everything speeds up? Why do things that move fast demonstrate a unique inner peace when viewed from a different speed? What are the defining patterns in the world of motion?
As computers and cameras become increasingly ubiquitous, a greater number of creators are becoming interested in the artistic possibilities inherent in combining these technologies. Time-distorted video is easily realized with affordable consumer equipment, and this ability has generated a wave of image-over-time interactive "physical computing" installations and homegrown timelapse projects. T-Minus seeks to bring together exceptional realizations that explore the union of digital media and time.
This year's show includes works by:
David Coiffier, Brad Emerson, Dave Allen, David B. Smith, Eden Orion, Freddie Wiss, James Ford, Jan Karel Lameer, Jay Burlage, Joel Schlemowitz, Luke Dubois, Marci Macguffie, Marco Brianza, Richard Lainhart, Tony Schultz, Neo Kekkonen, Chris Jordan, and more.
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