The Visual Music Village

for Visual Music Artists, Writers, and Venues


Deadline: November 3rd, 2008
Please contact us immediatly, when you are interested.

Video/Media project: “Simulations” 2008-2010
There will be a DVD compilation with about 25 international video works. It will travel in (2009-2010) through art galleries, museums and festivals in a limited time It is a non commercial project.

Keywords could be: simulation, imitation, reduction, observation, fake, computer simulation, virtual reality, recent fairy tale, role playing, social awareness, planning the future, sequence, sight/sound event,... click: simulations 2008-10

Genre: Media/Video Art

Initiator: The media art platform Globalscreen is focused on contemporary art research and expressions, collective perception, and dialogue.

Artists: professional (international) artists
(website essential)

Send in:
Mini DV tape, PAL , 4:3, up to 2 minutes
Created in 2007 or 2008. No downloads, no DVDs

Credits: Title with name, year, country at the beginning of the video (white type on black)

Language: English

Please send in:
- 1 Mini DV tape
- The signed contract
- Your address: name, country, email, website adress
( addresses for archive only, instead of your website adress)
- A very short biography/exhibition list (not longer than 1/2 page A4)
- 2 sentences which refer on your work and theme.
-1-2 images of the work as TIFF, 300 dpi, RGB, on CD or email.
-1-2 images of the work as TIFF, 72 dpi, RGB, on CD or email.

-Tapes will not be sent back.
If you wish to have your materials returned, please send your address-sticker and 10 Euro cash (EU); 20 Euro cash (rest of the world).

A Jury will decide in November.

What you get: In the event you are chosen, your work will be presented in various renowned places which focus on media art in Europe and beyond. Your website and name will be published on the project website.


Send your mini DV tape to:
Please contact us at once: contact (at.)

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