All Videos Tagged geometry (The Visual Music Village) - The Visual Music Village2025-02-08T10:09:54Z of the Frequencies (cymatic experiment) ~ Gen,2013-10-03:2232935:Video:653142013-10-03T02:08:11.566ZGen Thalz
<a href=""><br />
<img alt="Thumbnail" height="180" src="" width="240"></img><br />
</a> <br></br>Cymatic Experiment: Visible Sounds<br></br>
"Dance of the Frequencies"<br></br>
Sounds, video, and improvise by Gen Thalz<br></br>
"The world is sound" ~ ancient wisdom<br></br>
"Everything is in a constant state of vibration" ~ modern physicist<br></br>
Combining sound art electronica and psychedelic paranoia; doing simple sorcery…
<a href=""><br />
<img src="" width="240" height="180" alt="Thumbnail" /><br />
</a><br />Cymatic Experiment: Visible Sounds<br />
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"Dance of the Frequencies"<br />
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Sounds, video, and improvise by Gen Thalz<br />
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"The world is sound" ~ ancient wisdom<br />
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"Everything is in a constant state of vibration" ~ modern physicist<br />
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Combining sound art electronica and psychedelic paranoia; doing simple sorcery through electricity, circuits, and frequencies we attempt to turn sounds into visual geometric patterns using the magical arts of Cymatics.<br />
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Cymatics is the study of visible sounds and vibration, explaining how sounds or frequencies creates or interact with physical matter.<br />
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As the Bible states, "and God SAID, 'let there be light', and there was light..." (Gen. 1:3)<br />
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*Sounds were coming directly from a 7W/8ohm speaker vibrating the canister cap of candies we found at home. Frequencies were generated by a DIY astable oscillator.<br />
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*Other noises are from outside world.<br />
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*Apologize for the clumsy footage.